Climate-Change Ecology Community Ecology
Restoration Ecology Forest Ecology
Restoration Ecology Forest Ecology
University of Nevada, Reno
Department of Natural Resources & Environmental Science & Program in Ecology, Evolution & Conservation Biology
University of Nevada, Reno 1664 North Virginia Street Reno, NV 89557 Phone: 775/682-9512 E-mail: [email protected] UNR website Google scholar |
October 2023: The lab is recruiting a Postdoc and Ph.D. student to join our research team studying the ecology of whitebark pine, a threatened conifer native to high-elevation ecosystems in western North America.
Postdoctoral Fellow Ph.D. Student August 2023: Very pleased to have Rachel Lloyd and Kadin Woolever join the lab! Both will be studying the effects of climate change on a threatened conifer in high-elevation ecosystems. Welcome!
June 2022: Excited to have Kierstin Acuna join the lab! She will be assessing the long-term effects of reintroduced herbivores on coastal grasslands. Welcome!
May 2021: Super proud of Liz Reikowski for receiving the
Outstanding Master's Student Award in our department. Read more here. May 2021: Congratulations to Liz Reikowski for successfully defending her this! Very much work.
December 2020: Congratulations to Jacob Macdonald for successfully defending his thesis! Great work.
October 2020: Co-organized a symposium at the annual meetings of the Natural Areas Association titled “The Quaking Aspen Challenge: Applied Conservation in Keystone Communities.” Many thanks to my co-organizers and the speakers!
August 2020: Co-organized a session at ESA's annual meeting titled “The Fate of Forests in a Changing World.” Many thanks to my co-organizers and the speakers!
August 2019: So pleased to have Liz Reikowski join the lab! She will be evaluating the effects of herbivores on aspen recruitment. Welcome Liz!
September 2018: Tyler Refsland has joined the lab as a postdoctoral fellow. Very exciting!
August 2018: Jacob MacDonald has joined the lab and will be working on his master's degree. Welcome Jacob!
May 2018: Congratulations to Caprice Lee for defending her thesis research. Terrific research!
August 2017: Co-organized an exciting session at ESA in Portland titled “Cascading Effects of Large Mammalian Herbivores in Terrestrial Systems: Community-, Ecosystem- and Landscape-Level Consequences.”
July 2017: Moved from Sonoma State to UNR in July and am fortunate to join the Department of Natural Resources & Environmental Science - An amazing group of scientists!
May 2017: Congratulations to Eric Cecil and Vanessa Dodge for successfully defending their theses!
August 2015: Hall Cushman and collaborators recently had a paper accepted for publication in Ecology titled "Effects of individual, community and landscape drivers on the dynamics of a wildland forest epidemic."
August 2015: Hall Cushman participated in a symposium on interactions among co-occurring exotic species at the annual meetings of the Ecological Society of America.